Digital UI Design

After officially deciding to start the project and doing some preliminary brainstorming and sketching of the UI, I decided I needed a more formal mockup. Luckily I have some good experience with graphic design, so I started the mockup in a Mac app called Sketch.
This was pretty darn close to how I imagined the UI looking. Now onto fleshing it out in code!
**side note: If you've never used Sketch, it is probably the most user friendly and overall great looking vector illustration programs I've ever used. It's also only $100 ($50 if you're a student) which is unheard of compared to other programs like CorelDraw and Adobe Illustrator. It also come with iOS UI elements preinstalled and there are tons of free programs that make mocking up apps quick and easy. Sketch is truly a model of outstanding UI and UX design. You can try it free for a month by downloading it on their website at**