Update #2
Just when I thought I was finished with the design and could finally start putting this system together, I hit some issues with what will be the Clean In Place (CIP) sanitizing plumbing. Originally I had designed it so that the sanitizer could be injected directly into the main lines and cycle through all the individual vessels and reach all the tubing that way. Once I started building out the prototype, I began liking this idea less and less. Though sanitizer needs to be able to flush all the lines, I don't think the sparge nozzles that I'm using would be sufficient to evenly spray sanitizer and provide full coverage inside the vessels. Also, I was kind of worried about having the sanitizer be in line with the fresh water feeds for everything. In the end I was going to have to have a separate water line for the counter-flow cooler anyway, so why not just make that branch off into a dedicated sanitizer line.
Besides that, everything has gone pretty smoothly. Hopefully soon I'll be able to fabricate my custom mash rake and stirring arm for the mash tun and boiler respectively. Also, I found an stainless steel in-line liquid flow sensor that I think is going to be hugely helpful. Even better, it's rated for high temps!
I'm going to continue assembly into the weekend and hopefully have a big update coming next week, so stay tuned! Here are some pictures of the current state of the project to tide you over until then. (Sorry that some of them are from so far back. It's been awhile since I've used a GoPro and the fish eye lens makes everything look farther away.)